It is said that the key to a good relationship is good communication. In a love relationship, this is most certainly true. Whether it be via words, body language, sex or just touch, we let our partner know how we feel toward them in the way we approach them.
When relationships break down, it is not just ‘one of those things’, but a feeling or build-up of feelings that somehow don’t have a voice. When our heart is sore, we can become angry, withdrawn, and unlikely to desire intimacy – all expressions of our pain. Once deeply mired in these places, it can be difficult to see a way out without some help.
Blame can be a huge component of relationship breakdown and probably the biggest obstacle to helpful communication and conflict resolution. We all bring our own baggage to a relationship. Unhealed sores from our childhood, former relationships and a number of others places. This can be a very common area that our partners cannot understand as it occurred before they knew us.
To truly understand and accept another, we need to sometimes heal these places first. Our hope is to help you on this journey of understanding and connection.
We have devised a unique approach. We believe our Couples Counselling and therapy is one of the best in Sydney. You will sit with two therapists, one male and one female, who try to unearth where these unspoken feelings lie and guide you both to a deeper understanding of where there are opportunities for choice and change.